After the warning by Maharashtra Nirman Sena to send the Pakistani actors out from India, the IMPPA (Indian Motion Picture Producers' Association) also banned the Pakistan stars to play in Indian films. While many actors decided to go with IMPPA, some stars are against the banning. Salman Khan and a few other top Bollywood stars supported Pakistan actors saying that they are just artists and not terrorists. However, the issue has been treated differently. All these happened due to the terrorist attacks on Uri. It is stated that Pakistan supported the terrorists to attack India. Sandalwood actor Chetan Kumar says that Pakistan actors have nothing to do with the Uri attack and banning them don't make sense. He also says that actors are boundless and never should be banned. Like the Pakistani artists, who are sent out of India, the Pakistani government has denied the Visas to
Anupam Kher
Javed Akhtar
. In fact, the Uri attack has divided the Indian film artists, feels Chetan.