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Pakistan Cancels Samjhauta Express And Bans Indian Cinema – The Article 370 Effect

Thursday, August 8th, 2019
Pakistan Cancels Samjhauta Express And Bans Indian Cinema – The Article 370 Effect

The Indian government made a sudden change in the law and swiped out the Special Status given to Kashmir. By doing this and announcing it as the Union Territory, India officially holds Kashmir as one of its states. As their next step would be unpredictable, the Pakistan government had decided to complain this to the United Nations.

Yesterday, the Pakistan Prime Minister had an emergency meeting with his cabinet members and the army officials. After the meeting, he announced that they would reconsider the diplomatic relationship with India.

Now, the Pakistan government announced that they cancel the rail transport between India and Pakistan, Samjhauta Express. Besides this, they had announced that Indian movies would not be screened in Pakistan. Let’s wait and watch their next move!