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Prime Minister Addresses The Nation!

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020
Prime Minister Addresses The Nation!

The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi Born on September 17, 1950, in Mehsana, Gujarat, N >> Read More... addresses the nation for the third time during the coronavirus lockdown. He stated that a single virus had been destroying the entire world. He stated that losing to the virus is not an option. We have to fight against the virus, said the PM. For the past four months, the entire world is fighting against the virus and 3 lakh people have lost their lives, stated the PM. The PM condoled for the death of the people due to coronavirus. He also stated that at present we have all the techniques and experts and we will surely win this crisis. We should be self-reliant, said the PM. He also stated that the Indian system is good and the infrastructure is excellent.