Actor James McAvoy and Anne-Marie Duff who fell in love while shooting for ‘
’ (American TV series) and then opted for a nuptial bond and now ended up their 10-year old marriage bond on Thursday. While shooting for the above series they came physically closer and it was felt they were dating each other. In 2006, they tied their marriage knots. A child, Brendan, was born to them in 2010. The couple released a joint statement together on Thursday announcing their divorce. They pledged to keep their commitment in upbringing their 5-year old son now. The couple stated that they would focus on caring for their son and move forward with respect, love and friendship for each other.McAvoy is an award-winning actor who was last seen in an Amercian movie'X-Men: Apocalypse ' ( superhero movie) that released on May 9.Anne-Marie Duff is also an award winning actress in England.