The Hollywood movie, “X-Men: Apocalypse” is getting ready for the worldwide release. The trailer was launched recently, and dialogue by the villain is in the following way, “I have been called many things over many lifetimes — Ra, Krishna, Yahweh.” This has created a new controversy among the people of India. It is said that some Hindu groups say that the Villain is degrading the Hindu god Krishna, and the film should be banned, or the dialogue should be removed. “X-Men” is one among the movies that is liked by the people of all age groups, all over the world. The controversy might bring some trouble to the movie, say the trade experts. Let us wait and watch!
Listen to "Does The “X-Men: Apocalypse” Degrading Hindu God?"
The Hollywood movie, “X-Men: Apocalypse” is getting ready for the worldwide release. The trailer was launched recently, and dialogue by the villain is in the following way, “I have been called many things over many lifetimes — Ra, Krishna, Yahweh.” This has created a new controversy among the people of India. It is said that some Hindu groups say that the Villain is degrading the Hindu god Krishna, and the film should be banned, or the dialogue should be removed. “X-Men” is one among the movies that is liked by the people of all age groups, all over the world. The controversy might bring some trouble to the movie, say the trade experts. Let us wait and watch!