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Another Report About The Oscar Awards!

Saturday, January 23rd, 2016
Another Report About The Oscar Awards!

Viola Davis Black is just the shade of jubilation "Lived in ob >> Read More... , the Emmy Award Winner, says that the problem is not with the Oscars, but it is with the Hollywood system of filmmaking. She has been nominated for Oscars, twice, but didn’t receive it at least once, as the voters didn’t vote her, as she is a black. The actress says the Black films are lesser than the White people film and hence the chance of winning the award is minimized. The 50 years old actress says, it is the people, who hesitate to cast the black men and the women for the leading roles. Though Viola is not boycotting the Oscars this year, she will not attend it, as she will be on vacation at that time. She is the first Black women to be the Emmy Award Winner in 2015 for her role in “How To Get Away With Murder”.