Sagar is a good actor on Telugu serials and films. He is from Godavarikhani, Karimnagar district. He did Schooling from Chinmaya Vidyalaya. He completed his B.Sc Computers graduation from AV College, Hyderabad. His favourite actor and actress like Chiranjeevi and Ramya Krishna. His favourite movie was Geetanjali. His favourite colours are black and white. He got best actor and hero awards. He won Nandi award from Andhra Pradesh State Government in 2010 as a best actor. He had also won a Best Actor award from AP Cinegoer (2009, 2010, and 2011). And also he got Gemini TV Ugadi Awards (2010, 2011 and 2012), GVR Aaradhana - Bharath TV awards (2012) as best Hero. He won an award as a Versatile Actor from America Telugu Association and Telugu Association of Greater Chicago (2013).
He started his acting career in the year of 2006. He has 8 years of acting experience. His hard work and dedication finally paid off and Srikanth Productions offered him the role of Jagan on their famous serial Chakravakam in 2006, the role which was started as a small role and it was continued in 2nd generation and ended up with the main lead. Acting is Sagar's passion. His first serial was Chakavakam on Gemini TV. Bindu NaiduManager Manjula Naidu and her sister Bindu Naidu a >> Read More... was director of this serial. He got lot of fame by the serial Mogalirekulu. Sagar has gained immense popularity and craze among the audience. He got fame with the serials like Chakravakam and Mogalirekulu. He had done lead role for this serial. In Mogalirekulu, he had done a double role as a father (RK NaiduBio coming soon...
>> Read More...) and son (Munna/Mahidhar).
He has very big fan following through TV serials. He has expressive eyes and perfect body language. He will act very easily. He carries every character with the same command over it and performs each scene in an excellent way. He had also acted on movie like Mr. Perfect with hero Prabas. Now, he is playing hero roles on movies and also he is working with Dr. Rajendhra Prasad.