Jayanth Reddy, popularly known as just ‘Jayanth’ is a film actor from Andhra Pradesh. His birthplace is the village of Addalla in Andhra Pradesh. However, he lived most of his grown-up life in the capital of the state, Hyderabad. He belongs to a political background. Patlolla Manik Reddy is Jayanth Reddy’s real paternal Uncle. Narasimha Reddy Narasimha Reddy is a Telugu TV actor. He has been >> Read More... is the father-in-law of Jayanth’s father, Jayapal Reddy Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . His family is quite well known to have played a huge role in running the political happenings of the then undivided state of Andhra Pradesh.
Not only politics but they have also ventured out in the field of business and are quite prominent there too. Jayanth completed his schooling at the Hyderabad Public school, which is present in the Begumpet area of Hyderabad. He earned his graduation degree in Mass Communications from the famed St. Mary’s College, which is in Hyderabad itself. Like many other of his fellow actors, he discovered his passion for getting into acting during his college days. He, however, was not sure about taking up acting as a career despite his love for this work.
Instead, he got himself admitted in Salford College of London, England. He was going to study the course of International Business Management in London at the post-graduation level. His family knew about his passion regarding acting and encouraged him to enroll in an Institute dedicated to films while he was in London. He was to take classes for acting here. Spending his time in this movie institute of London proved to be enlightening for him and he got inspired to work in motion pictures again.
He came back to India after his studies at the earliest to work in pictures for Tollywood. Soon after returning to India, he was offered a role in the movie I Hate You. The motion picture got made by a close associate of Puri Jagannath. Unfortunately, the film never got released due to some unfavourable conditions. However, this attempt publicized Jayanth. He played the character of Vishnav in this un-released picture. Soon, he got an offer of acting as the male lead in another Telugu film called Love Touch.
Sri Chand was the person who worked on the direction of this movie. It was successful and appreciated by critics. He played the role of an individual named Sunny in Love Touch. For his work in the second motion picture, he received wide fame from Dasari Narayan Rao, who is a Telugu, film director. He believes that Jayanth Reddy has a lot of potential in him.