Ambani Shankar is a South Indian comedy actor who works in the Tamil film industry. His birth name is K. Sankarnarayanan. He was born on 17th May 1988 in Thirumangalam in Madurai in Tamil Nadu. He is known for his role in Tamil feature films like Ambasundaram Ambani and Pattathaari. The boyishly charming comedian tied the knot with Monica Nandhini in 2012. Inspired by comedy actor Vadivelu, Shankar moved from Madurai to Chennai in order to pursue a profession in acting in 2004. Unable to land a role, Shankar worked as a clerk at director K. Bhagyaraj’s office, where he first encountered the director N. Linguswamy. N. Linguswamy recruited Shankar in his Tamil action movie Ji in a small comedic role as a road-side mechanic, marking Shankar’s entry into the Kollywood film industry. The film hit the screens on 11th February 2005.
Shankar continued to play small comedic roles in Tamil feature films like Aaru in 2005, Vallavan in 2006, Karuppusamy Kuththagaithaarar in 2007, Indiralohathil Na Azhagappan in 2008, Kuselan in 2008 and Padikkadavan in 2009. Shankar got his great breakthrough when he bagged a supporting lead role in the Tamil comedy movie Ambasundaram Ambani written and directed by P. S. Ramnath. He played a negative role as Karthi, lead villain Dhandapani’s assistant in the movie. After this, Shankar played roles in Tamil feature films like Pandi Oliperukki Nilayam in 2012, Pattathu Yanai in 2013, 144 in 2015, Nanaiyathae Mazhaiye in 2016, Adra Machan Visilu Click to look into! >> Read More... in 2016, Kodambakkam Kokila in 2016 and Pattathaari in 2016. Shankar’s played a small role in the globally acclaimed Tamil family drama film Kanavu Variyum directed and starred by Arun Chidambaram.
It premiered at the 49th WorldFest Houston Film Festival in the US on 9th April 2016, made rounds at many festivals like the National Science Film Festival and Competition in India and won a few awards like the Platinum Remi and Special Jury Award at the previously mentioned festivals respectively. It hit the screens on 24th February 2017. Shankar appeared as a guest on the Tamil television show Manam Thirumbuthe Manam Thirumbuthe is a television celebrity- talk >> Read More... which was aired on the channel Puthuyugam TV on 22nd August 2015. Ambasamudram Ambani did reasonably good at the box offices and got fine reviews. Shankar took the title Ambani from this film, turning his stage name into Ambani Shankar. He appeared in the Celebrity Badminton League along with many other Kollywood actors in 2015. He appeared in a Joy Alukkas commercial with the South Indian star Vijay in 2013.