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Raja Tamilmaran is also known as Roja Tamilmaran. He is an Indian director, producer, and editor and has worked in almost every field of television scripted and non-scripted content. In 2021, he received an award for best screenplay for the drama series Arivaan at Pradhana Vizha 2021. He is a director of the famous Tamil soap opera Ennuyire. For the TV series, he shares the platform with another director, Kumaran Sundaram Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . He received the best direction award for Ennuyire at Pradhana Vizha 2016. Raja Tamilmaran has also worked as a director for the famous South song, Kaaviya by K.Kumer, released in January 2018. He received an award for his directorial role at Pradhana Vizha in 2014.

Besides, he is also associated with the famous Singaporean Tamil drama, Nijangal season 2. He has received an award for the same drama series at Pradhana Vizha 2012. He also received the award for the best docudrama series, Vizhigal 4, at Pradhana Vizha 2012. Raja Tamilmaran also worked for Pitha Magan, a long-form drama series (40 eps) and a murder mystery. The series is available on meWatch, and Raja Tamilmaran has worked as a Producer / Script Supervisor for the web series.


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