Viji is a Tamil actress who had acted over 50 films in her career. But her sudden demise on 27 November, 2000 gave a shock to the whole film industry. This actress had hanged herself after her lover failed to marry her. She was in love with a small-screen director A R Ramesh, who was already married then. The actress was driven to suicide for his betrayal and she left an audio-tape that contained his admission of love for her, before hanging herself in a ceiling fan at her home. This actress also left a letter for Tamil Nadu chief minister M Karunanidhi that her body is spared from any postmortem. It is said that the chief minister was also sad hearing her death and sent policeman to nab Ramesh, who had run away from Chennai then. Their love story had developed when she got a chance to act in a serial of Ramesh once.
The inevitable love story had then happened, but became sour when she demanded him to marry her. Before a day of her suicide, both Ramesh and his wife had met this actress, in a posh hotel in Chennai. Ramesh seem to have told this actress that he will continue in this affair, but would not marry her at any cost. Hearing such words in the hotel, the actress threatened to commit suicide and told she would blame Ramesh for such incidents. The actress’ father tried to pacify her but all went in vain. On the day of suicide, she had gone to temple too in morning and then took this bold step to end her life. This actress was not a very busy actress in her career of over a decade. But she made fairly good impact through films like ‘Simhasana’ and ‘Kozikoovuthu’. This actress was in news for her bold steps in her life. Once when her knee operation in Apollo Hospital had damaged her knee, she dared to move against the hospital authorities and claimed the whole cost of the operation. It was then again the chief minister Karunanidhi had helped her to undertake a corrective surgery. A film like “ The Dirty Picture Click to look into! >> Read More... ” had revealed how actress in the film industry get ditched by their lover and then commits suicide thereby putting an end to all her sufferings. Many actresses have been victim of such tragedy in Kollywood.