Malar Meni Perumal is a professional actress in the Tamil film industry. She has acted in the Tamil movie named Aduha Kattam which got released in the year 2013. Malar Meni Perumal got introduced as an actress in this movie. Before entering the cine filed, Malar Meni Perumal was practicing as a style coach, runway choreographer, grooming and etiquette trainer, and stylish. Malar Meni Perumal had established a studio for Grooming & Etiquette in the year 2009. The purpose of this studio was to give training and consultancy in grooming, organize and manage events, model mentoring and coaching, corporate training, and workshops and private grooming counseling. Malar Meni Perumal is the most efficient trainer in this studio. She is a corporate trainer, professional style coach, and consultant for more than eight years.
She has worked in various departments, and she got experienced vastly. Her previous fields of work include banking and investment, public relations and event management, airline cabin crew and cabin crew interviewer and many more. Malar Meni Perumal believes that psychology is the root of a person’s personality and it is the main factor for grooming and instilling confidence. She uses this as a foundation to train individuals and organizations to improve their communication and develop talents. Malar Meni Perumal grooms students, model, teenagers, corporate clients, fresh graduates or any individual who wants to create a stunning impression to others. Malar Meni Perumal is a certified style coach. She is also a member of the IASC (International Association of Style Coaches). Before becoming a style coach, Malar Meni Perumal was a student at the University of York St. John, the United Kingdom where she studied Bachelor of Science (B.Sc Honours) in Psychology.
She also has qualifications in Banking and Finance, Public Relations and Advanced Nail Technology. Malar Meni Perumal lived in the south of France for two years, and this experience also became helpful to understand her work as a coach for people. In the year 2005, she returned to India and worked with few event organizing teams like Terengganu sailing event, Monsoon Cup, and some more. After this, she started freelancing in training professionals to become eligible candidates for cabin crew. Malar Meni Perumal has trained more than about two thousand individuals. She worked for an airline training and counseling organization in which she was the head of the training department. For Emirates Airlines, she was one of the interviewers during recruitments in Malaysia. There, Malar Meni Perumal trained about 800 competitors on grooming, etiquette, and deportment. After these varied experiences, Malar Meni Perumal started her Grooming 7 Etiquette Studio in the year 2009.