Arjun Vijayaraghavan is an upcoming actor in Kollywood. He made his debut as a lead actor in ‘Unnodu Oru Naal’ (2013) which was directed by Durai Karthikeyan, and Neelam Upadhyaya Neelam Upadhyaya, a native from Gujarat, is yet an >> Read More... was Arjun’s heroine who was also a newcomer in Kollywood. Arjun’s third film as a lead actor was in the movie 'Andhadhi' (2015). Ramesh Venkatraman Ramesh Venkatraman is an Indian Tamil executive ma >> Read More... directed the film. Arjun stared with Anjena Kirti Anjena Kirti is a well known actress in Tamil film >> Read More... , Nizhalgal Ravi Nizhalgal Ravi is a veteran actor in TV serials an >> Read More... and Karthik Nagarajan Bio coming soon... >> Read More... who also got prominent roles in the movie.
Dewdrop Pictures produced the film. The story of the movie 'Andhadhi' is about two people. One person wants to become an IPS officer, and another guy wants to set up a solar plant. The story narrated the difficulties that two people come across and how they overcome to achieve the goal. The heroine Anjena Kirti plays a supportive character for husband and how she motivates husband when he fails. The cameraman was Sudarshan Srinivasan Sudarshan Srinivasan is an Indian Cinematographer >> Read More... who is from mainstream film institute named Rajiv Menon Institute.
In movie Andhadhi', he played the role of a cop. Arjun also played a character in ‘Thirumanam Enum Nikkah' which released in 2014. It was for music composer Mohammad Ghibran the sixth project in Kollywood. Arjun played the character of Suniel in the film. Dinesh speaks villain. Gardam Kishan also played a significant role.
Anis is the director of the movie. Jai and Nazriya Nazim This bubbly girl with expressive eyes was an ancho >> Read More... played the leading hero and heroine in the film. Arjun also played a leading hero role in Unnodu Oru Naal(2013). Durai Karthikeyan was the director of this movie. Neelam Upadhya was a debutant heroine. Neelam Upadhyaya made her debut as a heroine in this movie. Even actor Gibran Osman Gibran Osman is a talented and versatile actor who >> Read More... was a newcomer then in Kollywood. Arun Mozhi Manickam Arun Mozhi Manickam is a Tamil producer known prim >> Read More... produced this film. S. Sivapragasam composed the music, and Vijayaraj was the cinematographer.
This actor is passionate about acting. Since acting enables one to express emotion, he chose the film media as a journey to skillfully depict the scenes required for such passions in life. Thinking out of the box is what he prefers in film business always. The reason he chooses to think outside the box is that he can take the same information that everyone else has and look at it different His hobby is seeing some Hollywood classic movies and enjoy listening to classical music that soothes his ears.