For one who had delivered so much laughter and joy into the hearts of his cine going fans, the untimely death of Chitti Babu at the age of 41 must have been a most unfortunate happening. In the ten years that he was actively associated with the world of films he enthralled all who were fortunate to view his films with his characteristic combination of comedy and fun. Perhaps it was appropriate for him to take on a more casual sounding and commonly used nick name like Chitti Babu, instead of his more formal Sajjiah Adeeb. Before entering films Chitti Babu was associated with Tamil TV and was a very popular anchor on Sun TV, associated with the “Asatha Povathu yaaru” a stand up comedy program, as also a similar programme on Jaya TV.
His advent to the world of films started in 2002 with the Mani RatnamMani Ratnam is an Indian filmmaker deeply rooted t >> Read More... film “Five Star” about college friends, where Chitti Babu played in the supporting role of a Travelling Ticket Examiner. His 12 years career in the Tamil film industry was, however, interrupted in between by health problems which constantly troubled Chitti Babu till the time of his untimely death, although by demeanour he always wanted to project a carefree nature. In his total tally of around 25 films he mostly featured in comic supporting roles, a genre in which he got almost stereo typed. This is because he seemed to excel in such roles. Some of his notable films spread across various themes included “Boys” which dealt about teenage issues; “DhoolDhool was a reality show aired on Zee Tamil. It st >> Read More...” an action thriller subsequently dubbed / remade in Malayalam and Telegu after its success; “Sivakasi”, which was another action thriller, while “Dasavatharam” ,starring Kamal Hasan was based on science fiction and “MappillaiMappilai is a drama based daily series that came o >> Read More...” was a typical ‘masala’ film, starring Dhanush. His last film was “Madha Gadha Raja”, which incidentally was released after his death and has a Telegu version too with a different name.