Raveendran Nair is known among the Malayalam viewers as Poojappura Ravi, a popular theater artist and comedy actor. He was part of the Kalanilayam Drama Vision, a famous drama Troupe. He had staged in Raktharakshasu, a horror drama which had been the most ever hit of the drama troupe. He entered into the film industry in mid-70’s, in black and white movies. He has surpassed more than 4000 dramas and 800 movies in Malayalam. He is born to Madhavan Pilla and Bhavaniyamma, as eldest of four children, at Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram. He realized his passion towards acting, also a way of earning his living during his school days. His performance was for a drama for the All India Radio when he was 12 years old, and his earning was a packet of chocolates.
He debuted in director Hariharan’s Ambiliammavan, as Saami a full length character which was a very big hit. He acted mainly in comedy roles and also in character roles in most of the movies. He started receiving serious characters in his later years. Some of his notable movies are Nanni Veendum Varika as Mathachan, Mazha Peyyunnu Maddalam Kottunnu as Doctor, Kadathanadan Ambadi, and as a lawyer in Manjadikkuru. He has also done many serials both comedy and serious characters from 1990’s. He has acted with most of the prominent actors old and new and considers himself to be lucky.
He is married to Thankamma and the couple has two children, a daughter Lakshmi and a son Hari Kumar and has two grandchildren. He is now settled in Trivandrum and still busy in movies and serials.