This popular television actress was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra in India. She has acted in more than seven television drama so far. She is known for the character name “Aradhna” she played in a television drama. In the early days, she was doing small roles in television drama. Due to her talent she got many good opportunities and in the recent years she has been doing important roles in she has rose to playing important roles in Prime time television drama. She has been active in the television industry since 1995. She has always chosen roles which has scope for acting and has always given her 100% in her performance. From her interviews we find that she is friendly in nature and has been happy to be associated with the same cast again for a new promo.
She has a homely face and looking perfect for any role. When interview on her birthday she expressed her regret for not being able to spend her birthday with her parents and sister as they were far and busy. When enquired about her wish, she said she wanted to get married by her next birthday and she is looking out for a loyal, cultured and well settled guy. Career wise she is hoping to do good roles in Telly industry.