Mahendi Parvin Jain is an upcoming young and talented actress who has done few Hindi television serials mainly crime thrillers. Mahendi Parvin Jain born in late 90’s to a Jain family and hails from Rajasthan. Mahendi was very much enthusiastic about acting since her childhood days and during her schooling days got an offer to appear in one of the episodes of the popular crime thriller Hindi tele serial Crime Patrol: Dastak which is hosted by another popular television actor Anoop Soni and the serial portrays real life criminal incidents where the law was able to trace the culprits and provide justice to the victims.
Mahendi was seen in many episodes of this show and in various roles especially in an episode showcasing a child trafficking case and her acting in those episodes were much appreciated. After appearing and featuring in crime patrol she got few offers of various Hindi serials and was seen in small character roles in 2- 3 television serials. But recently, Mahendi Parvin Jain bagged another big and ambitious project of Colors TV through a show which is quite similar in its pattern as that of Crime Patrol. The show is called Shaitaan: Criminal minds which also featured popular television actor
Sharad Kelkar
as host or the main protagonist. Mahendi’s performance in this show was also well appreciated and well received by both the critics and the audiences where she again essayed the role of a crime victim. Currently, Mahendi Parvin Jain is considering few roles and scripts of Hindi serials and concentrating on completion of her studies.