Karan Radhakrishna is a Bollywood director. He aims to contribute to the film industry with his commendable work. He's is a new director in the industry and is currently on a path of directing some great films as he produced last year (2016). He did his graduation from the King George Royal Indian Military School and has a degree in Bachelor (B.A.) in Economics. He knew from the start that he wanted to pursue his career in directing. He went to the St Martin School of Art and Design, London and earned a diploma in the Film Screen Play and Story boarding. He was born in London and currently he lives there. He is living his dream of creating more and more movies for the industry. He also did many short films when he was getting his Diploma from London, and he got a lot of recognition from his professors there.
He is currently working as a writer and an actor with the Blue Horn Company. In March 2016, Karan created and directed a film called “ Mumbai Central Click to look into! >> Read More... ”, which is produced by Bridge Art movies and Ashok Kaul Ashok Kaul is an Indian director who works predomi >> Read More... . The beautiful story and idea popped up in the head of Maya. He said during the making of the film, that he decided in the beginning that he would not compromise with the project due to commercial considerations. Karan did extensive research on the story line. He also met several women that had gone through the same experience that portrays during the writing of the movie. The aim of “Mumbai Central” is to depict the reality of the world and show how women were exploited and treated unequally.
It also shows how the society have used their innocence and all they did was nothing. In the end, he said that he would leave it to the Indian audience to judge if his movie is the actual depiction of the society, and how well it was made. The producer of the film while appreciation Karan’s work said the making of the movie was such a mesmerizing experience. They got a chance to explore the beautiful Himalayan ranges. They also received an opportunity to interact with innocent, kind hearted and friendly people living there. They found the essence of the film there and were happy about Karan, who managed to direct the movie so beautifully.