Tandoori Idly is a romantic comedy web series set in an IT office in Chennai. The story revolves around the cultural clash between Chennai and North India. Simran, is the leading character portrayed by Avantika Mishra Avantika Mishra is a model turned actress was born >> Read More... . She is characterized as a fun-loving and energetic North Indian girl from Delhi. She joins the office in Chennai. Simran's vibrant personality causes a clash between the conventional South Indian office culture with her lively energy. Ajai Prasath plays the role of Selvam, a Chennai boy who is Simran's crush. A romance started to root there. This six-episode series explores the cultural differences between North and South India humorously and entertainingly. The show is directed by Devanshu Arya Devanshu Arya is a Tamil film producer and directo >> Read More... . The series also features actors like Vikkals Vikram Vikkals Vikram, aka Vikram Arul Vidyapathi, is a s >> Read More... , Vinod Kumar Vinod Kumar was born on 1 April 1963. He is an Ind >> Read More... , Whatsaap Mani, Suhasini Sanjeev Suhasini Sanjeev is an Actress from India. She was >> Read More... , and Mirchi Saba in pivotal roles. Tandoori Idly is exclusively streaming on the MX Player platform.