Dance Jodi Dance Juniors is a reality show that aired on Zee Tamil. As we can see, it is clear from its name that in the show contestants were going to perform in the form of pairs. Two contestants were going to act together to win the trophy of Dance Jodi Dance Juniors. The show started on 25 November 2018. It was a weekend show that aired Saturdays and Sundays. One episode was one hour long. The show had a total of 45 episodes. Deepak hosted the show. Judges of the show included Sneha, Sudha Chandran Here is a girl who met with a major accident while >> Read More... , and Laila. Contestants of the show included Dinesh and Naveen, Rohan and Arman, Ramba and Menaka, Dhanyashree and Megha, Darshan, and Nowfal, Jeyaseelan and Surya, Dheeraj and Rajesh, Seenu and Pawan.
Each week the show had different rounds of competitions that these contestants had to perform. Each week one of the contestants got eliminated. After their dance performances, judges gave them a score based on their performances. The people who scored the lowest were in the elimination round of the show. Some of these rounds were contemporary rounds, hip hop rounds, traditional round, devotional round, etc. In the classic round, they had to dance on the traditional forms like Bharatnatyam, Kathakali, and other traditional dance forms. In the holy rounds, they had to dance as God and Goddess.
Some of these contestants were dressed as Lord Hanuman to dance, some of them danced as Maa Durga Maa Durga is a mythological serial based on the li >> Read More... , and so on. After the initial rounds, five of them were chosen as top five to perform in the finale and grand finale. Darshan and Nowfal, Janani and Pawan Kalyan Pawan needs no introduction to South Indian people >> Read More... , Santosh and Dhanush, Rajesh and Dheeraj, and Sri Sumanth and Rakshit were in the top five performances. The show had different guests in each episode. These guests also performed on famous songs. Some of them were there to promote their upcoming movies. At the same time, some of them were there to give these dancers some tips. The Grand finale of the show aired on 5th May 2019.
Radhika Sarathkumar Radhika is a famous actress in multiple of languag >> Read More... was the special guest at the grand finale of the show. Nowfal and Darshan were crowned as the ultimate winner of the show. They received the trophy and also received Rs 5 lakh. Santosh and Dhanush were the first runners up. They won Rs 3 lakh rupees as the prize money. Rajesh and Dheeraj got the third position and won 2 lakh as the cash prize. Fourth place contestants got Rs 50000 as the prize money.