Kaveri is a Tamil Television Drama show. This show revolved around a girl named Kaveri. Kaveri is the daughter of a farmer, Ramu and her mother was a housewife named Sharadha. They were the members of a poor family. Sharadha was a beautiful lady of her locality but due to their low standard of living, Shardha had to face a lot of problems and soon it became difficult for her to even get out of her house to buy household items because there was a gang of 4-5 peoples who wanted to rape her. One day, the Gang caught Shardha and forcefully harassed her demanding sex. Suddenly her husband along with the daughter appeared since they were passing by that way and listened to the shoutings of his wife.
They saved the life of Shraddha and started a new life in the city of Bangalore where all were unknown to them. They kept their past a secret from their neighbours and started enjoying their new life. This serial focused on the strength of a lady who had to face the harsh reality of life and had to overcome all the problems to be a successful person in life. This Television serial was one of the best and most popular serial among viewers with high ratings.
Main Roles:
Radhika Sarathkumar Radhika is a famous actress in multiple of languag >> Read More... is Tamil Television and film actress. She was born on 21st August 1963. She is popular for her role in Tamil Television Serials like Kaveri, Inikum Ilamai, Priya, Chithi, Selvi and many more. She is also the producer of movies like Pulival, Sandamarutham and Thalappakatti. Sivakumar is a Tamil Actor and he was born on 27 October 1941. He played his role on various screens like he worked as Thangavelu in movie Arangetram, also worked in Television Serials like Chithi, Kaveri Annamalai and more.
Tharika is a Tamil Television and film actress. She was born on 15th July 1978 in India. She is popular for her roles in Tamil Television Serials like 'Kaveri', 'Marabu Kavithaigal', 'Chithi', 'Ketti Melam',' Laksmi', ' Sivamayam Sivamayam, telecasted in Sun Tv , was one of the p >> Read More... ', ' Unniyarcha The life and story of Unniyarcha is well known to >> Read More... ' and ' Kavyanjali Kavyanjali was a popular Malayalam tele serial tha >> Read More... '. This Tamil Television show was directed by ' CJ Baskar C J Baskar is a screenwriter and a Tamil director. >> Read More... '. This show was aired for the first time on 21st December 1999 on SunTV Channel and continued for about 2 years till the 11 October 2001.