Kavyanjali was a popular Malayalam tele serial that was premiered on one of the leading and popular Malayalam entertainment television channel Surya TV in the year 2004. Kavyanjali was the launch pad and the first venture of the media Moghul Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji telefilms in Kerala in collaboration with Kerala and South India’s media barons Sun Networks. Kavyanjali is the Malayalam remake version of Balaji Telefilms hit and super successful daily soap Kavyanjali in Hindi. Kavyanjali launched in Surya TV garnered very high TRPs and attracted very good responses from the viewers as well as from the critics. The serial was a chart topper in the channel it was launched i.e. on Surya TV. Kavyanjali aired on Surya TV on every weekdays from Monday through Friday from 8:30 pm onwards in the evening prime time slot as per the Indian Standard Time (IST). Kavyanjali is basically the love story at its core of the two main protagonists of the serial Kavya and Anjali played by the popular and immensely talented actors Vijayaraghavan and actress Priya Ramani in the lead roles respectively. The story of Kavyanjali revolved around the lives of Kavya and Anjali. Kavya Nanda, the scion to the rich famous Nanda Family and Nanda Industries, falls in love with Anjum but she dies in a road accident in front of Kavya, he goes into depression and to make situations better for Kavya, his family arranges his marriage. But, on his marriage day he meets Anjali, a lookalike and twin sister of Anjum. The marriage is eventually cancelled and Kavya and Anjali initially become friends, fall in love and finally gets married. But, Kavya gets murdered suddenly. To unveil Kavya’s murderer, Anjali brings in her Kavya’s lookalike friend Soham in their lives. How Anjali unveils the truth behind Kavya’s murder and find the murderer constitutes the rest of the plot of the story.