Poove Unakkaga is the Tamil family drama Romantic series starring Arun, Rathiga Preethi, and Jovita Livingston Jones Jovita Livingston Jones was born in Chennai, Tamil >> Read More... . Sridevi Ashok, Deva Priya, Vignesh, G.M. Kumar, Arun Kumar Rajan Arun Kumar Rajan is a Tamil television actor who d >> Read More... , Jenifer, and Ajay Ratnam are the part of the series. Telugu actress Amani plays the pivotal role of Rathinavalli in the series. It airs from August 10, 2020, on the weekdays. The story revolves around Poovarasi (Rathiga Preethi) and Keerthi (Jovita Livingston Jones). Keerthy and Poovarasi thick and best friends for a while. They have lots of love and affection for each other. They believe in being united every time and everywhere. Poovarasi promises that he will not fall for anyone in her life to her mother. At the same time, Kathir loves Keerthi at his first sight.
He is a rich and handsome person from a well-known family. Poovarasi experiences a mysterious person in her dream, and she develops indescribable love for him. Fate, along with Poovarasi’s mother, brings Kathir to marry Poovarasi. Keerthi gives up her love for her friends and hides the truth from her. He agrees to Keerthi’s wish to sacrifice their love for Poovarasi. Even Kathir wishes to tie the knot to Keerthi. Their marriage came to the stage, and Keerthi goes missing. Kathir searches her through his friend. But Poovarasi’s mother intervenes and warns him to marry her daughter to save the life of Keerthi. At the same time, Poovarasi searches her and disagrees with the reason told by her mother for her missing. She then agrees when Keerthi says the same while she calls her.
When Poovarasi delays her marriage until her grandfather’s arrival, her mother forces her to marry. But she denies and says that she will wait for her grandfather even till evening. Will Kathir marries Poovarasi or Keerthi? If Kathir unites Poovarasi, what will happen when Poovarasi came to know about the truth? Will Poovarasi live a happy life with Kathir? Does Poovarasi’s friendship last forever with Keerthi? Will Keerthi get a normal living to forget his past love forms the rest of the story.
There are many highlights in the show such that the heroine Jovita is the daughter of actor and comedian J. Livingston. Arun Kumar Rajan, who plays the pivotal role of Selvam, is chosen from the serial Chandralekha, in contrast Sridevi Ashok, who plays the role of Dhana Lakshmi, was taken from Raja Rani Click to look into! >> Read More... . It is the first time on the small screen that defines friendship between two girls. Their thinking is new to the television world as it makes us think the Tamil audience whether girls can maintain their bond even after their marriage.