Savalae Samali is a program which is aired on Adithya TV. This program is a funny game show based on the concept of Truth or Dare. The host of the show interacts with the common people in public places and asks them a tricky question. If they do not wish to answer the question, the host then asks them to a daring task. The show is anchored by
Trichy Saravana Kumar
. With his good mimicry skills, Trichy Saravana Kumar ventriloquises with a small doll to make the show interesting and funnier.
Savalae Samali is a weekly show broadcasted on Adithya TV. The anchor, Trichy Saravana Kumar, started out as a mimicry artist with his career. He has appeared on
Asatha Povathu Yaaru
(Sun TV), Ellamey Siruputhaan (Kalaignar TV), Konjam Settai Konjam Arratai (Makkal TV), Kings of Comedy ( Vijay TV) and others. At present, he hosts
Smile Please
, Chinnavanney Periyavanney shows on Aditya TV apart from Savalae Samali. The popularity of the show lies in the way people react to the interesting questions posed, the funny moments which happen when the people take part in dares and the spontaneity of the host in firing comic one-liners . Savalae Samali is produced by Frank.