Kadhai Neram was a drama series that aired on Sun TV in 2000. The show was a daily soap opera. It was directed by Balu Mahendra Balanathan Benjamin Mahendran was born in a Sri La >> Read More... . The show had a peculiar format where each episode had a different story and two episodes did not have any connection. The series was a brainchild of the veteran cinematographer Balu Mahendra. Balu got his education in filmmaking from the Film and Television Institute of India and London University.
Balu was an accomplished filmmaker who received six National Awards and three Filmfare awards and many awards by State government. The show did not follow a fixed storyline but had a different plot for each episode. Sometimes even the cast and locations would change if the story demanded as such. The plot of these episodes was based on short stories by various authors. One of them was Sujatha Rangarajan Sujatha Rangarajan is an author, screenwriter, nov >> Read More... , who went under the pen name of Sujatha. Sujatha was a prolific Tamil writer who wrote more than 100 novels and 250 short stories. He had a degree with BSc in Physics. His writings included a variety of topics – fiction and nonfiction.
Due to his scientific background, he also wrote a lot of books on science and technology. The show also featured stories by other prominent Tamil writers. Balu had the incredible idea of visualizing these stories which led to the creation of Kadhai Neram. Each episode covered one short story by these authors. Being a daily broadcasted show, this allowed Balu to cover a lot of stories on a variety of themes. The stories often revolved around common people and various aspects of our society that often remain unnoticed.
The show remained popular even after its original run. People liked it because it struck a chord with them. The stories gave the show a stronger plot and the characters were real. Kadhai Neram is also acknowledged for the role it played in the television industry of 2000’s. In those times, daily soaps were highly successful which left a very little room for other shows. The show proved the notion wrong and was a huge success.
Contrary to the daily soaps with very weak plots and linear storylines, Kadhai Neram had different stories each time. It used to have so much substance in one episode that the daily soaps could not offer. The show also was a good watch for fans of Sujatha and other writers as the show brought their favourite characters to life