Paattuvandi is a music show which is aired on Surya Music. It features the top singers from Mollywood, as they try and spread their melodious music to the underprivileged. It is also a travel show as they travel around the state and shoot their episodes. It has a runtime of thirty minutes. The crew travels around the state in Tempo Traveller. The four wheeler has posters of the channel and the show, all over its body.
Instead of traveling to cities, where everybody has access to technology, they concentrate on going to the underprivileged or the underdeveloped areas of the state and promote melodious music over there. As they reach the spot of their shoot, the whole crew steps out of the vehicle. There are about five to seven members. They include the host, singers, and the cameraman. They then start walking in search of a civilian, whom they can interview.
Instead of choosing a teenager who will know who they are and who will be aware of the recent developments in the entertainment industry, they select old people who are guaranteed to have no knowledge about what they are going to be asked. The interview is started by asking the name of the participants. The crew then introduces themselves to him. A few questions are then asked about the industry. The person most probably never has any clue as to what is being asked. He has a poker face and tries his best to answer the question.
The interview now reaches the stage of the music industry. He would say that he knows a few singers and their famous songs, but these songs would be popular with the older generation, and nothing about the modern era. The crew takes it upon themselves to educate the man about modern music. They tell him that they are famous singers and then start singing songs. The participant initially has no idea as to what is going on over here and tries his best to catch up.
The crew sees this and make him sing one of their songs. They help him with the lyrics. That is the end of it. In an episode, there are about four such interviews. It has over a hundred episodes, and the episodes of the serial were aired in 2013.