When the renowned cartoonist B.M. Goofer created the character of Tintumon, he did not have any idea that it is going to be a great hit! When the character had been invented, it was a character of a five-year-old mischievous kid who used to make fun of others with his witty questions with a bit of sarcasm in it. Tintumon is a very bubbly, spontaneous and inventive boy, who takes life very lightly and spreads laughter on others’ face with his comments on the others and on the everyday incidents that happen to one’s life.
With the time Tintumon has grown in the character of an engineering student, a doctor, a police officer, a lawyer, a good film star, a priest, etc. But the charm is still the same. The cartoon story of Tintumon has been telecasted on Jeevan TV, for a time period of twenty-five minutes per episode. The animated cartoon show, Tintumon living a light Malayali life, in other words, he is portrayed as a Malayali specimen. Most of the time Tintumon is seen having fun with his friends by commenting and making fun of the people around him, and that is what makes the viewers laugh.
The character of Tintumon was published in print at the very first time, which was not that much viral then. It is since 2009, through the jokes of Tintumon on SMS and on the internet; the character of Tintumon has never looked back. That helped the character to grow and familiarize with people like even the mimicry artists had started using the Tintumon’s character in their shows. The cartoon series of Tintumon was made by Jeevan TV in 2010 after getting copyrights from its original creator Goofer’s: the BMG group.
There are many funny characters in the animated series of Tintumon like, Achan (father), Amma (mother), Appuppan (grandfather), Dundumol and Pinkymol (friends), Dungeon (cousin), Jintappan (friend), Sanjumon (brother), Kala (sister) and Deepu (Tintumon’s best friend). All together they create great humor with their acts and Tintumon’s comments and witty questions amongst the viewers and made them laugh out loud. The target audience is obviously the kids, but even the elders can enjoy this cartoon as it’s written so, after all sometimes watching your kids’ favorite cartoon with them is such a healthy thing. And yeah, Tintumon won’t bore you at all!