Rahasya Sancharangal is a Malayalam psychological thriller that is aired on the Asianet Plus channel. The show airs three days a week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. On certain weeks, due to unavailability of slots, the show also aired on two days. The show is a horror drama documentary. The show is mainly a compilation of real life psychological cases and encounters with a dramatised representation. Each episode is a different story of an individual who has gone through some mental disorder and has been treated for the same.
The episodes have experts who treat these problems and know about the remedies to such situations. Each episode is 30 minutes long. Each episode addresses a different type of mental disorder. What makes these stories more real is that some of these stories come from the real life diaries of doctors and some real life characters. At the end of each episode, the host talks about these disorders and the repercussions of these on the human mind. The show addresses such mental conditions and in such a dramatic way that the audience is intrigued to watch it.
The show is both interesting to watch as a daily docu-drama as well as makes an interesting knowledge-based show. The audience can learn about the new and different kinds of conditions the human mind can go through, and the list is endless. It boggles the mind to imagine that the mind can go through such endless mental conditions and survive them. The show also talks about disorders like Hypnotic regression, Schizophrenia, Split personality disorder, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Alcohol abuse disorder, chronic mental depression, etc. Some of the episodes also talk about and show demonic possession, supernatural events and mysterious occurrences which have no logical explanation. In certain cases, this is also considered as a mental disorder.
The show also focuses on certain therapies that have proven beneficial during such conditions like Jacobson's relaxation technique, exorcism, etc. The second season of the show is similar to the first season. But the second season talks more about people who have fought these kinds of mental illness or have experienced the supernatural and mysterious occurrences, their stories and battles to overcome them. The show has had two very successful seasons till date. Season one was first telecasted on 29th October 2016 and ended on 3rd April 2017.
The second season started from 4th April 2017 and is currently in the running. The host of the show, Shankar Rama krishnan, is a well known Malayalam cinema screen writer, actor and director. He makes his television debut with this show. He hosts the show with such conviction and knowledge that the audience is forced to believe him. He describes this show as the “secret journey of the mind.”