Action Zero Shiju is a comedy based serial in the Malayalam language that was aired on the channel, Kairali TV. Kairali TV is a satellite channel broadcasted in the Malayalam language that is owned by noted Malayalam film actor, Mammootty. Action Zero Shiju was launched in the year 2016. The first episode was aired on 5th December 2016. The show has telecasted more than 50 episodes and is doing very well among the audience. The show airs on the channel on weekdays at 10:30 p.m. On certain days, the show airs on 9:30 p.m. as well.
Action Zero Shiju is a comedy based entertainment show with a touch of drama in it. The show is mainly about a set of funny characters who come together to make a mess out of every situation. The main location of the show is set at the Konnathodi Police Station. The police station has a group of exciting and crazy characters who put a comic twist on the usual work of the police. The sub-inspector of this police station is K.V Dinesan. He is a very humorous man by nature. He has a beautiful wife at home, Kanchana.
Kanchana is a huge fan of Malayalam actor, Suresh Gopinathan. She is always watching television and get very excited whenever Suresh Gopinathan comes on screen. Her husband always mocks her because of her obsession with Suresh Gopinathan. He always keeps making fun of her in relation with her watching television all day long. But he loves his wife a lot and is very obedient. He runs to his wife at the very first call. The police station has another character called Shiju Daniel.
He is the Circle inspector and money is his weakness. He falls in easily for bribery. He also harbors a special knack for mimicry. He keeps imitating someone or the other in everything he does, right from attending calls to beating up a criminal. He also likes showing off to people and boasts about his position to his juniors. Pappan Kumar is a fellow inspector in the police station. He is an honest man and very punctual. He always knows when Shibu goofs up somewhere and is always in the lookout for his errors. Ali Kutti is the police driver. He is a gossip monger by nature.
He also happens to have information about everything and is always gossiping about the news with someone over the phone. There is another fellow inspector in the station who is a social media freak. Any and every event of the day needs to be updated on social media, and he always craves for likes. He has to comment on every post that comes to him on these social media sites. The only female police inspector in the police station is Shila. She is the civil police officer and is a young, pretty looking woman.
She also thinks that her salary from the job is not enough for her living. So she also sells insurances in between her work. She tries to sell insurance to every person walking into the police station. She keeps the forms right at her desk, and somehow, she turns every conversation with every man into his need for insurance. Now usually, she has a very peaceful nature unless someone declines her offer to buy insurance. She gets all riled up and angry at that. These few characters do their daily jobs as policemen, but always put some funny, weird twist to every task with their offbeat personalities to make the show a laughter riot.
The show has been directed by Sreejith Paleri. Actress Bindu S Nair plays the role of inspector Shibu’s wife and model-actress, Arya Rohit Arya Rohit is an extremely popular actress, model >> Read More... plays the character of sub-inspector Dinesan’s wife.