The journey of most prestigious Kerala State Film Awards began in 1969 at Kadalpalam. Since then, it is presented annually to honour actors from the Malayalam Film Industry for their brilliant act in a leading role. Earlier till 1997, the Department of Cultural Affairs, Government of Kerala was managing the awards directly. However from 1998 onwards, an independent, non-profit organization known as the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy, operating under the Department of Cultural Affairs took over the management of prestigious awards. An autonomous jury, constituted each year by the Academy itself, decides the awardees. Finally, the awards are announced and presented by Honourable Minister for Cinema and Chief Minister of the State respectively.
Out of many releases, the jury members chose only 39 films to be considered under 33 categories altogether for the award show. The list of the winners went as follows: -
While Salim Ahmed’s produced and directed film “Adaminte Makan Abu” received the Best Film Award for the year 2010, “ Makaramanju Click to look into! >> Read More... ”, a production and direction of ‘ Lenin Rajendran A renowned name in Malayalam cinema, Lenin Rajendr >> Read More... ’ bagged the much appreciated Second Best Film Award. ‘ Shyamaprasad Shyamaprasad is an eminent screenwriter, director, >> Read More... ’, a prominent director of films like “ Ritu Click to look into! >> Read More... ”, and “Arike” bagged the Best Director Award for “Elektra”, a dramatic tale of a possessive daughter by the same name. ‘ Salim Kumar Salim Kumar is a person who deserves the title of >> Read More... ’ received the Best Actor Award for his portrayal of character Abu in Adaminte Makan Abu. While, ‘ Kavya Madhavan Kavya Madhavan is an Indian artist but shines in t >> Read More... ’ received the Best Actress Award for her superb work in “Khaddama”.
‘ Biju Menon The tall, dark and handsome Biju Menon started his >> Read More... ’ bagged the Second Best Actor Award for playing the role of Nandakumar Poduval in "T. D. Dasan Std. VI B". On the other hand, ‘ Mamta Mohandas This effervescent beauty, who has acted in Malayal >> Read More... ’ won the Second Best Actress for putting in her best efforts for filming “Katha Thudarunnu”. ‘ Suraj Venjaramoodu Sooraj Venjaramoodu was born on 30th June, 1976 in >> Read More... ’ grabbed the Best Comedian Award for “ Oru Naal Varum Click to look into! >> Read More... ”, a movie based on Corruption in India. As for the tiny tots of film-industry, ‘Krishna Pathmakumar’ received the Best Child Artist Award for her mind-blowing role in “ Janaki Janaki is an Indian actress who works for the Tami >> Read More... ”.
Amidst the gala, ‘ Mohan Sharma Mohan Sharma is a prominent Indian film actor, pro >> Read More... ’ bagged the most anticipated Best Story Award for “Gramam”, a touching story of a child-widow and her struggles to live her life at her own conditions even if it meant to stand against the society. The Best Cinematography Award went to ‘ Shehnad Jalal Shehnad Jalal is a renowned cinematographer. Born >> Read More... ’ & ‘M.J. Radhakrishnan’ for “Chitrasoothram” and “Veettilekkulla Vazhi”. The Best Screenplay Award went to ‘Salim Ahmed’ for Adaminte Makan Abu and ‘Rafeeq Ahamed’ received the Best Lyrics Award for “Oru Pooviniyum Vidarum” in “Sadgamaya”.
While, ‘M. Jayachandran’ got the Best Music Director Award for the melodious track Chithra Salbhame in the movie “Karayilekku Oru Kadal Dooram”, ‘ Hariharan Hariharan is a renowned Indian singer, who sings m >> Read More... ’ got himself the Best Male Playback Singer Award for the famous number Patti Patuvvan Mathram in “Paattinte Palazhy” and ‘Rajalakshmy - Singer’ bagged the Best Female Playback Singer Award for Janakan's most loved track Olichirunne.