Weekend Comedy is a stand -up comedy show. The show was aired on 6th August 2018. Telecasted on DD Chandana, it is a Kannada stand-up comedy show. The show encourages participants from all walks of life to participate and test themselves in real-world situations. It’s true that laughter is a medicine. It brings people together irrespective of caste and creed. The show is aired at 7:30 pm and repeat telecast is aired at 3:30 pm every weekend.
 Contestants present their performances and take you to a hilarious town with their presence, talent and timing. The comedians are expected to perform skits and impress the judges and get scored by them. The popular and professional stand-up comedians were paired to perform on a highly competitive stage.
What comedians make us realize that we laugh at our problems, which cause us great discomfort. If we clearly notice the topics of the joke, they usually joke about: relationships, family, sex, money, impotence, bowel movements… We laugh most readily around things that had caused us discomfort in some way or other. It has been very distressing to us at some point in time. A good joke is invariably related to darkness, anxiety and pain. We all have forgotten to laugh because of our hectic life. Nothing works faster than laughter to bring your mind and body into the present moment. Humor lightens one's obligations, inspires hope, helps you connect with others, and keeps you grounded, and focused at the same time. It also helps you release anger and become a better person.
Comes with gags, jokes, laughter, hilarious acts, this show will keep you hooked up to your seats till the end. It helps people to release their tension after a hectic day. It enables you to enjoy quality time with your family and offers an evening full of entertainment, at the push of a button. So sit back and enjoy a fun-filled evening with your family. It is a family comedy show, hence we all can enjoy the show with our family members. It is a great source of relaxation after a hectic and tedious day at your workplace. From grandparents to children of ten years old, teenagers and their parents, all can enjoy and increase their bond strength. It has ruled over the hearts of Tamil comedy lovers particularly for the '90s and 2k's kids. The TRP of the show is quite high and had an incredible outreach to the audience.