Gruha Lakshmi is a drama which airs on the channel Zee Kannada. It premiered on Indian television on 8th June 2015. It broadcasts on six days of the week from Monday to Saturday at 6:30 PM. It is a Kannada language series and the renowned director Krishna is also the brains behind this show. He has also donned the mantle of the producer of the program. He does this via R.R.R. Productions. The story of the series as well as the screenplay is both credited to Selvam. The story of Gruha Lakshmi revolves around a woman by the name of Lakshmi.
She is a very simple woman who gets liked by one and all. She completes her education in a small town. After her post-graduation; her marriage gets arranged to a wealthy man. Like most other girls from small towns, she has a little say in the arrangement and agrees to the alliance. She thus gets married to him and moves to Bangalore. She slowly starts to settle in the new city and to the new surroundings in a big city. This change in the surroundings becomes a huge shift for her and she gets to see many new things. The name of her husband is Raghav. He is the owner of a construction company. Their business is doing well, and they are therefore very well off. Raghav and Lakshmi settle into the flow of a married life and start to accept each other’s company.
They eventually get together smoothly and begin a normal happily married life. They both are there for each other and support one another. They both bear three healthy children together. Lakshmi focuses on one thing only, and that is making sure her family stays well and is always happy. She makes her family into her world and only worries about their well-being. Lakshmi is very dedicated towards her home. Her devotion to her house comes from the immense love she has for everyone.
Things couldn’t be better or happier for them. But Lakshmi always carries a nagging concern in her mind. The story unfolds showing her, what is it that worries her so much and why does she get so bothered about it. Gruha Lakshmi is a complete family entertainer. It has received excellent reviews from the fans especially the female audience. The actors have all played their parts very well. People can also easily relate to the family and find it reminiscent of any typical home in South India. The show makes an instantaneous connect with the viewers.