Sa Ri Ga Ma Pa Da Ni is a Kannada language television show that aired on Udaya TV. The Presenter of this show is Anushree. The panel of the judges includes Hamsalekha, Vijay Prakash Vijay Prakash is an Indian playback singer and fil >> Read More... , Rajesh Krishnan Rajesh Krishnan is an eminent Indian playback sing >> Read More... , and Arjun Janya Arjun Janya is an Indian singer and music composer >> Read More... . The total number of seasons is 17. The Production House of this show is Essel Vision Productions. The Running time for this show is 90 minutes approximately. The winner of Season 10 is Supriya Joshi Supriya Joshi is a renowned and upcoming Indian si >> Read More... . The winner of Season 11 is Channappa Huddar Channappa Huddar is an Indian singer, who rose to >> Read More... . The winner of Season 12 is Anvitha. The winner of season 13 is Sunil. The first runner-up of this season is Mehaboob. The Second runner-up of this season is Shree Harsha. The winner of season 14 is Vishwaprasad. The First runner-up of this season is Dnyanesh. The Second runner-up of this season is Keertana. The winner of season 15 is Keertan Holla. The First runner-up of this season is Hanumanta. The Second runner-up of this season is Sadhvini. The winner of season 16 is Omkar Pattar. The First runner-up of this season is Gurukiran.
Another VersionÂ
Music connects souls. One who does not appreciate good music and songs doesn't know to appreciate the universe, for the universe itself has different music. People often love to sing their hearts out and put all their emotions in the song itself. "Sa Ri Ga Ma Pa Da Ni" is a reality TV show broadcasted on UDAYA TV that serves as a platform for the people to sing their hearts out and recognize the next big vocal icon in the whole process. It is a musical platform where people participate in healthy vocal competition against each other in a set of rounds where they sing different songs belonging to different genres.
First, the competitors are selected by an ordinary audition, and then they are invited to the show. Each day several participants compete with each other, singing a song and showcasing their vocal talents. Judges rank their performance based on these vocal skills, and whoever manages to win the judges' and the audience's hearts will win the title. All the winners from these shows engage in a vocal battle for one last time in a grand finale which decides the season's winner. The winner earns the title and the esteemed prizes which help them in their life to achieve their goals of becoming a talented singer in the future.