Anjali- The Friendly Ghost is a comedy show. It is the Kannada dubbed version of a Bengali serial named Bhutu, also spelled Bhootu. Zee Bangla Channel would telecast the show. Srijit Roy Srijit Roy is an Indian director who works in the >> Read More... is the director while Sahana and Malova Majumdar are responsible for the story and the dialogues respectively. Ashrunu Moitra is the screenplay writer. Shrikant Mohta Shrikant Mohta is a well-known Indian producer and >> Read More... and Mahendra Soni Bio coming soon... >> Read More... are the producers while Shree Venkatesh Films is the production company backing the program. Upali Chatterjee is the composer of the title track. Whenever, one hears the word Ghost, terrible and frightening things come to our mind. But this show is a detour from the commonly perceived conceptions. Here, the show focuses on Majumder family. They have a young girl named Anjali Majumder. Anjali is a fun-loving and innocent child. Unfortunately, she dies.
The twist in the tale is that she returns to the Earth as a phantom. It takes her a while to realize this. She tells her friend for playing with her. He denies saying that everyone will call him mad if he plays with someone who only he can see. This makes her realize that she is not a common person anymore. But instead of troubling or scarring anybody she tries to make people happy and solve their problems with the help of her newly acquired powers. She also drives away people who are a threat to her family. From mixing sleeping powder to the tea that is made for the people she thinks are evil, to helping people push their cars; Anjali helps everyone. Sometimes while helping people, Anjali also ends up creating more problems and mischief. The serial further traces her antics and how she faces the hurdles. All of this is showcased in a funny way that would tickle your bone.
The show takes it's inspiration Casper, who is a Hollywood character and protagonist of a very famous cartoon show named Casper- The Friendly Ghost. Child artist Arshiya Mukherjee Arshiya Mukherjee is a professional North Indian B >> Read More... essays the role of Anjali while Mimi Dutta Born on 13th September 1993, Mimi Dutta is an Indi >> Read More... and Animesh Bhaduri Animesh Bhaduri is an Indian actor who worked for >> Read More... plays her parents. Currently, it is running on the channel Zee Kannada from Monday to Friday at six in the evening. It consists of a total of three hundred chapters. Up till now, a total of one hundred and seventy-six episodes have been telecasted. It commenced on October 3, 2016. The makers have also planned to dub the show in Hindi and air it on Hindi channel Zee Anmol. The show enjoys immense popularity among children and adults alike