Little Things is an Indian rom-com series that premiered on Dice Media in 2016; however, later, the franchise was purchased by Netflix; thus, season 2 premiered in 2018 on Netflix. The series focuses on Kavya Kulkarni and Dhruv Vats, a live-in couple residing in Mumbai. The second edition of the series presents the couple in a mature way, where they question their choices and understand their responsibilities in the long run.
Little Things season 2 has eight episodes; the second edition begins with Dhruv meeting his childhood friend and realizing how much has changed since then between them. Later, Kavya receives a massive promotion at her work while Dhruv struggles at his professional life ever since he decided to start fresh. Another day, Kavya's mother visits their place, and Dhruv takes her for Mumbai Darshan, where he sees another person behind the parent. Moving forward, when Kavya gets along well with another male colleague on a work trip, she begins questioning her relationship with Dhruv in the long run. What will happen next? Watch the series to find out.
Little Things season 2 primarily uses English language with Hindi language slang. The second edition of the series is written by Dhruv Sehgal Dhruv Sehgal, a hero, a versatile writer, an open- >> Read More... and directed by Ruchir Arun Ruchir Arun is a two-time national award-winning d >> Read More... . The lead cast of the series includes Mithila Palkar The world of Internet has always been a place of w >> Read More... as Kavya Kulkarni and Dhruv Sehgal as Dhruv Vats.
Watch Little Things season 2 on the Netflix app.