MTV Sound Trippin is an MTV production’s Indian television series. It is a youth-based program which is focused on music. The host of the show who anchors the entire series is none other than SnehaKhanwalkar, herself. It is a music television show that was made on the concept and focus on original music. The format of the show kicks off with the famous music director Sneha Khanwalkar, from the Indian film industry. She takes a trip through ten cities across different Indian states and records unusual sounds or tones which are the city famous for. Like if in the case of Mumbai, the sound of traffic, the sound of Dabbawalas in a train, and so, are the sorts of tones that are recorded.
Now with these sound snippets, she produces a song that captures the essence of the place. In this manner, ten different songs are made for the ten different cities she visited, one for each. When she sets out to record, she gets to do all the recording she wants but for the length of four consecutive days in each city, and all she carries are a recorder, a laptop, a backpack, and a small crew who shoots her every movement. The cities that she placed her foot on were Leh, Mumbai, Punjab, Goa, Manjuli, Yellapura, Dharavi, Kolkata, Kila, and Raipur.
The other elements which enrich the show are the various art forms of different cities that are showcased on the platform during the travel. It ranges for dance forms to local theater. If in the city she finds a very good local artist, she takes her help too and puts them in the song. Some of these people have never even stepped inside a studio. The amazing original song that is totally made from scratch is then mixed with an even more amazing video backed up by visuals which highlight the respective city’s spirit.
The show has been heavily acclaimed as one of the most beautiful experiments. It engorges the element of music, but also inculcates different artistic element of the city as well, which makes the show an ensemble portrayal of the art of some famous Indian cities. The show screams creativity, with its concept. It is the rise of the creation. MTV’s strategy as announced with the show was to create a space to enhance or showcase the creation of original music and at the same time dress it up with the extraordinary width of Indian arts.