Rang Badalti Odhani is an Indian television series that revolves around the unfortunate story of a girl, who ends up finding a lover after facing all innumerable difficulties that occur in her life. Khanak (played by Yashashri Masurkar Yashashri Masurkar the popular Indian TV on-screen >> Read More... ) is a spirited yet a simple girl, who lives in a village named Dhulwadi, which is in Gujarat. She recently got married to her lover, Suraj Suraj (also spelled as Suraaj) is an Indian Direct >> Read More... (played by Harpreet Singh Harpreet Singh is a popular, talented, upcoming an >> Read More... ).
In an unforeseen turn of events, Suraj is killed in a car accident. The story slowly uncovers the progressions that occur in Khanak’s life. As she just lost her husband, she faces many difficulties with her life. Shantanu Khandelwal (played by Karan Tacker Karan Tacker is an Indian Television actor born on >> Read More... ) is the man who passes on this unfortunate message to his family. He is also the one who accidently killed Suraj. Shantanu is a springing seed in his family of business. His father, Sunil Khandelwal (played by Aliraza Naamdar), is a business honcho.
He expects Shantanu to follow his line of work and be great at it. However, Shantanu ends up getting married to Khanak under the undying pressure of the town board (panchayat) of Dhulwadi, in Gujarat. He has to pay for the pain he had caused to Kanak and hence joins bonds with her in hope for forgiveness. He takes her home with him to his city. Khanak faces extreme difficulties to conform herself to an unknown environment and battles with the problems daily.
Khanak is a simple girl who has lived her entire life in a village in Gujarat, so she finds it very difficult to adjust in a city. Meanwhile, Shantanu tries to figure out how to acknowledge his obligations. However, Shantanu’s egotistic mother named Madhavi Madhavi serial is telecasted by Sun Television Net >> Read More... (played by Rushali Arora Rushali Arora is a famous and a known face in the >> Read More... ) along with her sister-in-law Khushboo (played by Khushboo Grewal Khushboo Grewal is a Punjabi television and film a >> Read More... ) plot to separate his son from Khanak. Their goals are never achieved, and both the individuals end up falling in love with each other in the end. Their destiny makes them come together in the end.
Another Version
Khanak enters a new phase of her life and faces many difficulties while adjusting to the urban lifestyle. She struggles to fulfill societal obligations and match the cultural differences between her and her in-laws. Her new life is exactly the opposite of the life that Khanak used to live in the village. She couldn't meet the expectations of her in-laws. The story revolves around how she adapts to her new lifestyle. Despite the humiliation, Khanak decided to balance her lifestyle and earn a position in the house. She faces many hurdles in her path but does not give up at any cost. Her strength and determination get tested from time to time in various situations. Finally, after many struggles and sacrifices, Khanak wins the hearts of her in-laws and earns respect and understanding from them. With the journey of Khanak, the serial points out many complications in relationships in marital lives and family bonds. It shows her determination to make a unique identity while bridging the gap between traditions and modernity.
The serial also sheds light on her marital life and how she falls in love with her husband. Rang Badalti Odhani beautifully presents the evolution of Khanak from a conservative small-town girl to a confident and hardworking woman. The serial can be a source of inspiration for many girls who may face the same situations in real life. It celebrates the journey of self-discovery. With each episode passing, viewers got more attached to Khanak's life and journey. They witness her struggles to make her own identity in the modern world. The serial presents a range of emotions like anger, resentment, self-love, and understanding. Another fascinating segment of the serial is the energetic performances of Bollywood songs. It adds an extra layer of entertainment to the series and compels the viewers to stay connected with the show. Rang Badalti Odhani series was released on the Star One channel.
The first episode premiered on 5 April 2010. With a total of 365 episodes, the serial ended on 22 July 2011. Jay Verma Jay Verma is an Indian scriptwriter. He has some e >> Read More... and Aparajita Sharma Aparajita is a writer who works in the television >> Read More... wrote the compelling dialogues and screenplay of Rang Badalti Odhani. The incredible directions by Swapna Waghmare Joshi Swapna Waghmare Joshi was born on 16 July 1966, in >> Read More... and Mukesh Dubey brought the script to life. The attractive opening song, Rang Badalti Odhani, was composed by the well-known talented trio of the music industry- Shankar-Ehsaan- loy. Shankar Mahadevan Shankar Mahadevan, a well-renowned, talented and f >> Read More... and Akruti Kakkar sang the theme song of the serial. This daily soap serial falls under the genre of drama.