Chotti Badi Baatein, aired on Doordarshan TV or also known as DD National in the year 1986. The story revolves around a family and their prying neighbours. The serial is based on the concept of superstitions. The show has an exceptionally talented star cast that includes the Ashok Saraf Ashok Saraf was born on 4 June 1947. This popular >> Read More... , Sulabha Deshpande Sulabha Deshpande is a very popular actress in mov >> Read More... and Aravind Deshpande. In this serial, the character played by Sulabha Deshpande is known to be very superstitious. The other family members try to prove her silly beliefs as false. Ashok Saraf, who is playing the role of neighbour, takes the lead to prove her wrong. The other cast includes Babloo Mukherjee Babloo Mukherjee is a talented, hard-working, vibr >> Read More... , Rohini Hattangadi Rohini Hattangadi is an Indian actress who can be >> Read More... , Maya Alagh Maya Alagh is an Indian Television and film actres >> Read More... , Jatin Khurana Jatin Khurana is an actor and producer born in Del >> Read More... and Harish Bhimani Harish Bhimani was born on February 15. He receive >> Read More... . The serial takes you on a ride of laughter.
The methods and ways used by Ashok Saraf and others are a way too hilarious. The show was of comedy genre and loved by the audience. On the last episode of the serial, the star cast of Chhoti Badi Baatein was not in the character but played themselves. It was a dramatic climax given to the show. Everyone behaved as they are in their real life. The audience came to know the biggest superstitious person on the sets in none other than Ashok Saraf, who makes fun of Sulabha Deshpande in the serial. The serial ended within a span of one year. Ashok Saraf is the main attraction of this comedy serial, he is very well known for his comedies. He is considered as one of the best actors in Marathi film industry.
He played the negative and serious roles with same importance that shows how versatile actor Ashok Saraf is. Apart from Marathi cinemas, he is also part of many Bollywood films. He is last seen in the movie ‘ Singham Click to look into! >> Read More... ’ and his role is very well appreciated in the movie. Along with films, he has done two television serials as well. ‘Chhoti Badi Baatein’ and ‘Hum Paanch’ were the two hilarious shows no one could forget. Sulabha Deshpande, another lead of this serial is a well-known theatre person. She started her by acting in theatre plays and later moved on to the film industry. She is acted in many of the Bollywood movies along with the Marathi films. She also is a known face in the television industry. Along with ‘Chhoti Badi Baatein’, she is also a part of serials like ‘ Tanha Tanha was a drama series which was telecasted by S >> Read More... ’, ‘Alpaviram’ and ‘Mrs Tendulkar’. She is currently working on the Marathi soap opera titled ‘Asmita’