Avatar:The Last Airbender, is a web series including action, drama and fantasy. This adventurous web series is created by two writers Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante and restructured by Albert Kim. The foremost characters are Gordon Cormier, Kiawentiio, Ian Ousley, Dallas Liu, Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, Ken Leung and Daniel Dae Kim. Bonnie Benwick, Joshua Hale Fialkov, Albert Kim, Jabbar Raisani, Dan Lin, Lindsey Liberatore and Michael Goi are in the production team. Music composition is done by Takeshi Furukawa. The adventurous and dramatic scene of the series is captured by Michael Goi, Michael Balfry and Stewart Whelan and the perfect editing is done by Ian S Tang, Wendy Tzeng, David Lebiwitz, Joe Talbot Hall and Chris Visser. The locations for shooting the web series are Vancouver and British Columbia, under the production houses Nickelodeon, Rideback and Albert Kim Pictures.
The screenplay of the series begins with an adventurous journey where two siblings of the water nation find a young boy, named Aang, frozen in an iceberg, later they discover that he is an Avatar and the last surviving Airbender who can master all the four nations including water, air, fire and earth. After regaining his senses, he comes to know that a war has been commenced by the prince of the fire realm to take revenge on Aang and conquer all the other realms. How will Aang conquer four realms? How will Aang and his friends face the challenges?
Star Performance
The extraordinary performance of the characters in the web series lay the base of the screenplay. The lead character of Aang, played by Gordon Cormie, is the character of a little boy who was frozen in an iceberg for a hundred years and after regaining his senses he realises that he is an Avatar. His complete journey further is truly commendable. Kia Wentiio, playing the role of Katara, is seen as a teacher and mentor of Aang. Her nurturing nature, determined attitude and leadership qualities was helpful for Aang, while learning the waterbending techniques. Dallas Liu, playing the character of Zuko, is seen in a vulnerable role and always tries to impress his father in every act. Overall, the roles of all the characters in the web series are unique and all together they form a very solid cast.
Avatar:The Last Airbender, a dramatic and adventurous web series, has exceptional storytelling. The in-depth acting skills of the heroic and villain characters is widely appreciated by audiences of all age groups. The unique role of the Avatar, to balance the four realms while balancing his own emotions, desires, morals and principles is praiseworthy. Zuko’s only aim in the series is to defeat Aang and regain his lost honour. Katara’s leadership and warrior skills feel so natural and self-earned. The scenes in the series showcasing the real-life cultures of other realms add a realistic feel. Each realm shown in the series including the earth, water, air and fire is inspired from different cultures, reflecting variant characteristics.
What’s there?
What’s not there?
Avatar:The Last Airbender, web series is a blend of action, humour and attractive storyline which resonates with viewers of all age groups. The various forms of bending technique and martial art showcase a distinct visual and philosophical identity of each realm.