True Blood is an American TV series. The TV series was telecasted by the HBO. True Blood season 5 came on June 10, 2012 on the TV screens and ended on August 26, 2012. The first episode was “Turn! Turn! Turn!” in which Lafayette and Sookie together fight to save Tara. The next episode was “Authority Always Wins” where Eric and Bill have to face the Vampire Authority. In episode three, Tara goes out to hunt for food but Lafayette and Sookie could not catch up to Tara. Tara goes on to seek help from Sam. The Vampire Authority decides to accept the proposal of Bill, which is to exchange Russell Edgington for their lives. Newlin gets his new job as the face of the equality movement for the public, as he replaces Nan Flanigan. Andy Bellefleur finds out that someone has posted some of his nude pictures on Facebook.
Next, Pam finally wants to teach Tara a few things about Vampire and, she decides to finally do it. The Vampire Authority releases Bill and, Eric for finding Russell Edgington. Sookie feels guilty as she killed Debbie and tells Jason that she wants to confront it to the police. Terry Bellefleur with his buddy Patrick locates an old friend of them. Bill and, Eric interrupt Alcide and Sookie; and asks them to join their plan of searching for Russell Edgington. Doug, who is an employee of Alcide, is the only person who can lead Bill and Eric to Russell Edgigngton. Sookie then reads his mind and comes to know about something about Russell. They learn that they have only until dawn to find Russell. An army friend of Richard and Terry takes them to a prison who tells them that they are cursed. Bill and Eric finally found the king of Mississippi, Russell Edgington.
They put him in the prison cell of the Vampire Authority. Oman welcomes Eric and, Billy with open arms. Roman makes a decision of excecutng Russell immediately but Russell already has a plan for himself. Jason tells Sooke about the things he had heard about their parents and they leave for the nightclub. Russell’s plan succeeds and Roman dies. Sam and Luna are Hoyt’s new friends. Later in the episode, the supply of the blood for Vampires decreases due to which the attack on the humans by Vampires starts to increase. But Jason and Sookie finds something under Sookie’s bed. Hot, despite of her mother’s refusal goes to Alaska. Russell Edgington has found his ideal place after he finds the nightclub. However, Sookie can’t have Russell take that. Sookie and Jason make a plan to attack the Vampire Authority to free Jessica and Pam, and also save Bill. The season came to an end with Bill drinking a vial of blood. The season came with 12 episodes.