Sakin Sarisuri is a Bangladeshi drama television series aired from 27 January 2009 to 2010, written by Brindaban Das and directed by Salauddin Lavlu Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and has 102 episodes. The series takes place in a village where thieves reside and are home to Muslims, Hindus, and Christians living in harmony. The people in the town run into a conflict when the local godfather’s daughter falls in love with a thief. An essential aspect of the series is the solidarity between people in a multi-religious community. It witnesses the bold use of religion to create division between people in our country and elsewhere. It features Mosharraf Karim K M Mosharraf Hossain was born at Khilgaon on Augu >> Read More... , Masum Aziz Masum Aziz, full name Muhammad Masum Aziz, was a s >> Read More... , Nazmul Huda Bachchu Nazmul Huda Bachchu is a famous Bangladeshi film, >> Read More... , Golam Farida Chhanda Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Chanchal Chowdhury Suchinta Chanchal Chowdhury, also known as Chancha >> Read More... , AKM Hassan, Azizul Hakim Azizul Hakim was born on May 15. Hakim was born in >> Read More... , Rawnak Hassan, Wahida Mollick Jolly Wahida Mollik Jolly is an actress and costume desi >> Read More... , Shatabdi Wadud Shatabdi Wadud is a Bangladeshi TV actor born in K >> Read More... , Ahsanul Haque Minu Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Masuma Mithi, and Niba Rani.