Khirer Putul is a fantasy drama serial on Zee Bangla based on the novel of the same name written by Abanindranath Tagore in 1896. The book is considered a masterpiece in Bengali children's literature and the serial based on the book also reached high popularity when telecasted. The story focuses on the king of Deepnagar who had two queens Duo Rani and Suo Rani. Duo Rani, being elder of the two, received little attention from the king and was offered a broken home with a deaf and dumb slave and torn clothes while on the other hand, the king showered Suo Rani with everything she desired because of her beauty and youth.
When the king went on a journey he asked Suo Rani what she desired him to bring home for her, she demanded all the precious jewellery and jewels she could think of which were really hard to obtain. When he asked Duo Rani the same, she demanded nothing except him to come back safely. When the king insisted she demanded a monkey. When the king returned with the jewels as Suo Rani had demanded he completely forgot about the monkey and sent for a local one to be found in its stead.
Suo Rani sulked because the jewellery didn’t fit her and this deeply hurt the king. Duo Rani,on the other hand, adopted the monkey as her son and this, in turn, lead to a chain of events and the monkey became a favourite to the king as well as the queen, and it helped Duo Rani to gain the king’s favour back. Even though the story is meant for children and is basically a fairytale, it is filled with metaphors and is deeply meaningful in life which makes the serial a favourite of many.