Disney Network India Private Limited had bagged the broadcasting rights from the Distributor Balaji Tele Films Private Limited for the serial Kaartiga. It had screened in Hindi with the tagline “Iraade I have it in me" and ending with the song 'I can do it'. This event had been Produced and Created by EktaKapoor. The tagline of the show had been "SapnonKi Udaan-Kartika". However, the show had been immediately removed from airing and had been replaced by Shararat and Sanya.
The Crux of the program has been that the heroine, Kartika has been a singer and been pursuing dreams of being one of the biggest Rock stars in the Bollywood Market. She pestered her father as well as her mother to get her an admission in one of the famous music schools in the city. Initially, her parents refused. Later she convinced them and bagged a seat in one if the music academy. After reaching the school, she made new friends as well as many rivals. She had been allocated a room with a prevalent singing talent, Akana. Akana had been very cunning in character and constantly harassed Kaarthika and got into trouble.
Some of the actors in the premiere includes Jennifer Winget Jennifer Singh Grover, a popular Indian actress an >> Read More... playing as the leader Kaarthika, AdityaVaidya took the feature of Ritwik, Monica Kale Monica Kale is a Bollywood supporting actress who >> Read More... as Meenakshi, Swati had been casting as Ash, Shikha reacting as Sush, AbhayVakil in the place of Abhishek, Mitika by the role Sweta, Arjun Bijlani had been replaced as Ankush, Resham Seth scrolls as Sushma, Arti as Brinda, and Sonali Verma Sonali Verma is a famous TV actress. She was there >> Read More... as Gayatri.
The show proves the viewers as to how hard it has been for a girl to pursue the career of her wish. It clearly portrays that when a girl has been ambitious; she had not looked in the same manner as a boy child. The series had been aired from December 2007 and completed the season on a high note in January 2008. It had also received the honors during the Disney Annual Awards. It had picked as the 'Best Non-Animated Series of the Year' during the Year 2010. The series had canceled in the middle due to the conflict of the producers of the show with the Director's Association. The episodes had made in the form of DVDs in the post- 2012. Italso had the unaired season videos.