Rumble is an animated sports comedy movie directed by Hamish Grieve and produced by Brad Booker and Mark Bakshi. In the film, Will Arnett This “Emmy-nominated comedian” and “Teenage Mutant >> Read More... voiced as Steve, a giant red reptilian monster and wrestler; Gracen Newton voices as young Steve; Geraldine Viswanathan voiced as Winnie Coyle, an aspiring monster wrestling trainer; Terry Crews Born on July 30, 1968, Michigan, U.S, Terry Alan C >> Read More... voiced as Tentacular, a shark-headed tentacled monster; Kaya McLean voicesyoung Winnie; Chris Eubank voiced as King Gorge, a horned bulldog like monster; Charles Barkley voices as Rayburn; Fred Melamed Bio coming soon... >> Read More... voices as the Mayor; Bridget Everett Bio coming soon... >> Read More... voices as Lady Mayhen; Becky Lynch voices Axehammer, a reptile-like monster; Jimmy Tatro voiced as Lights Out McGinty; Brian Baumgartner Bio coming soon... >> Read More... voices Klonk, a warthog-like monster; Ben Schwartz Bio coming soon... >> Read More... voiced as Jimothy Brett-Chadley III; Michael Buffer voiced as a Stoker announcer; Tony Shalhoub Born in the Green Bay Area in the Wisconsin area i >> Read More... voiced as Fred; Greta Lee voiced as the Councilwoman; John DiMaggio Bio coming soon... >> Read More... voiced as Tattoo Guy and Betting Guy; and Chris Anthony Lansdowne voiced as Farmer.
The story is about a world where humans and monsters live together. The task of monsters in the progress of their city, and to win by fighting for the happiness of the people there. Every city has its monster who wins for his city and brings money there. We are introduced to a city named Stoke, whose monster has been winning the fight continuously. The people in the city were delighted, but on an unlucky day, the monster died due to the storm and thus no more monsters were remaining for the fight of that city. After much effort, the people of that city find a new monster for the battle of their city. In the fight, he encounters a dog monster who has been a champion for several years. The fight starts and during the fight the dog monster was defeating the monster of the stroke city. Meanwhile, a girl named Winnie, sitting in the audience, notices that the dog monster licks his nose before every attack. So, she immediately informs the monster, and the monster of the stroke city hits the dog monster before he licks his nose, and wins the next match. Everyone becomes thrilled as they got the hippieness after many years but that did not last long as the new monster of stroke city announces that he does not want to fight for the city anymore. He says there has been a champion of this city before and he wants to fight for a city where he is the only champion. After this, the leader of that city has to meet the people and tell them if there is no monster for their city then he will have to close the fighting stadium and, in this way, he will not be able to repay the city’s debt. Now, they have only ninety days to pay off the loan and build a park there. Winnie was the daughter of the man who used to train monsters in the city and did not want the stadium to shut down. Will she be successful in her mission? The rest of the movie is based on it.
Star Performance
The movie has a excellent set of diverse characters, some of which are cool and funny. All the voice performers did decent job in expressing the respective characters gracefully. The plot and direction were also decent and impactful.
The story is based on a town whose only source of income is a monster fighting stadium that is about to be closed down. The movie has a plenty of roof humour suitable for people of all ages. Though the film is predictable and sometimes slow, the storyline is energetic and everything is planned out in a Suttle manner. The movie also dispatches a message that teaches you not to give up because the girl and her monster kept fighting no matter what, and they achieved what they wanted, saving their city through winning the competition.
What’s There?
What’s Not There?
The film had great potential, animations, and talented voice artists but the it lacks for the dumpy storyline and ending. Still, the movie is worth a watch.
Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, Sports
01 Hour 35 Minutes
Will Arnett, Terry Crews, Fred Melamed, Bridget Everett, Ben Schwartz, Brian Baumgartner, Tony Shalhoub, John DiMaggio, Carlos Alazraqui
Plot revolves around Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Animation, Sports, etc.
Yes, it's rated UA
No, it will be available soon on Amazon Prime Video