Vishal Reddy
, the actor who planned to contest in the RK Nagar by-poll, failed to do it, as the proposers’ signatures were announced fake. After the poll results, the actor congratulated “
T T V Dhinakaran
” and wished him to do the best to the RK Nagar constituency. Now, the actor has issued a statement. He says that Madam “Jayalalithaa” had worked for the welfare of the poor people. She had given importance to the pension schemes to the elderly citizens. He also stated that after the death of the CM Jayalalithaa, the pension schemes were not dealt properly and hence a lot of people are affected. The widows didn’t get the aid and hence the women and the seniors are fighting hard to get the help from the government. So, he requests the government to care those pending pensions and aids and help the people. He also requested Dhinakaran to ensure that the aids are granted adequately in RK Nagar.