,” the popular actress was announced dead on 24th February in Dubai, where she went to attend the wedding function of Mohit Marwa, her nephew. It was said that the actress accidentally fell into the bathtub in the hotel room and had gone unconscious and died. Although this seems to be doubtful, the Dubai police closed the case as an accidental death. Recently, a person filed a suit against Sridevi’s death, but the court had dismissed the lawsuit saying that there is no doubt on her death. Now, the former Delhi ACP Ved Bhushan, started digging the case. He says that he had analyzed a lot and has come to a conclusion that Sridevi was murdered. Sridevi was 5 feet 7 inches and the bathtub is just 5.1 feet and how a person could drown, questions Ved Bhushan. He also says that he doesn’t want to complain anyone as of now and at the same time he doesn’t want to exclude Dawood Ibrahim in this case.