The portrait of Late CM Dr. J “Jayalalithaa” has been opened today at the TN assembly. Although the opposition leaders were against the photo opening ceremony, the TN government opened her photo, today. It is to be noted that the portrait is placed opposite to the opposition leader’s (“
M K Stalin
”) place. Congress Korada Vijaya Tharani welcomes the portrait opening. The ADMK government played the speech by Madam Jayalalithaa on 23.1.2016, during the opening ceremony. For this portrait opening ceremony, thousands of ADMK people gathered before the assembly. “
T T V Dhinakaran
” and “
” didn’t attend the event. Tamil Manila Congress leader GK Vasan stated that it is the duty of the court to clear this issue if it is right to open the portrait of a person in the assembly, who is announced guilt by the court.