Actor cum director “
S Ve Shekher
,” shared on his Facebook, an uncultured post about the woman journalists. Complaints had been launched and the Madras high court ordered the police to arrest Shekher and also it dismissed his anticipatory bail petition. But, the police didn’t arrest the actor-director cum BJP member. A case had been filed against Shekher in Karur Criminal Tribunal court and the case came to the hearing on 15th May and two people were inquired regarding this. Shekher was summoned on 18th May and today, Justice Subbaiah ordered that S Ve Shekher should appear before the court on 5th July. The case was filed against Shekher on 23rd April. Cases were filed against him under the sections 294B, 506 ( 1 ), 500, 509, 153, 153 A, 153 B, and section 67 under IT act.