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Karunas Complains Bhagyaraj And Ishari Ganesh!

Tuesday, June 11th, 2019
Karunas Complains Bhagyaraj And Ishari Ganesh!

Karunas Karunas is a popular comedian, musician, and produ >> Read More... ,” the Vice President of Nadigar Sangam complains that director “ K Bhagyaraj K Bhagyaraj is the name well known to all the film >> Read More... ” insulted the theater artists that they would vote for anyone, who give them money. He also stated that “ Udhaya Udhaya is a South Indian film actor who acts prima >> Read More... ” and “ R K Suresh R K Suresh was born on May 19, 1980, in Chennai. H >> Read More... ” are taking revenge against Vishal Reddy Born as Vishal Krisna Reddy, he is called upon as >> Read More... , as they had problems with him in Tamil Film Producer Council. Karunas also stated that if they are friends, they shouldn’t have split and set up a team and if they want a post in Nadigar Sangam, they should’ve asked for it.

He also stated that Vishal and Karthik Sivakumar Karthik Sivakumar, or popularly known as Karthi, i >> Read More... planned to do a film with Ishari Ganesh and donate the remuneration to Nadigar Sangam building. As the film didn’t happen, Ishari Ganesh is angry on Vishal, said Karunas.

Karunas also stated that Bhagyaraj should apologize for his words against the drama artists. A drama artist, who came along with Karunas stated that as Bhagyaraj came to the cinema easily, he doesn’t know their pain.