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Karunas Against The Income Tax Raid In Vishal’s Office

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017
Karunas Against The Income Tax Raid In Vishal’s Office

There have been a number of actors in the Tamil cine field. Vishal Reddy Born as Vishal Krisna Reddy, he is called upon as >> Read More... is one among the actors who has won much acclaim in the cine field. In a development, a raid by the income tax officials has been conducted in Vishal’s office. Actor ' Karunas Karunas is a popular comedian, musician, and produ >> Read More... ' has condemned the move asking whether it is justified to conduct income tax raid so as to threaten Vishal. It is to be noted that Vishal is the head of the producer council. Karunas has given an interview in which he mentioned: We are living in a democratic country. There is the right to opine and the right to speak out opinions. It is usual that there are criticizing messages conveyed through movies. Many leaders have conveyed their criticisms in the cinema.

It was usual that actor Cho wore glasses like Karunanidhi and criticized him. There is no movie in which Vijaykanth does not speak dialogues about politics. He has criticized politics in each and every one of his movies. In the movie Mersal, the GST tax had been criticized. The BJP government condemned the criticisms. It is not acceptable to censor a movie which has been censored already. That is the reason why Vishal condemned the protest against the movie Mersal. So as to wreak vengeance on him, income tax raid has been conducted in his office. This is shocking said Karunas.